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How to Organize Your Garden Tools for Easy Access

A garden shed is a great use for your MyStorage unit. Whether you've decided to rent or purchase your MyStorage unit, if you're planning on keeping your lawn and garden equipment housed inside, you'll want to make sure everything is easily accessible and organized.

How to Organize Your Garden Tools for Easy Access

A garden shed is a great use for your My Storage unit. Whether you’ve decided to rent or purchase your My Storage unit, if you’re planning on keeping your lawn and garden equipment housed inside, you’ll want to make sure everything is easily accessible and organized. Read on for tips and tricks for storing lawn and garden equipment in your My Storage shed.

Garden Hoes, Rakes and Shovels

The great thing about these garden tools is that they have long handles – perfect for storing on a wall. Attach brackets or even pieces of PVC pipe to the walls of your unit, and you’ll be able to make use of the vertical space inside your unit.

Small Garden Tools

A bench across the back of your unit will allow you to place smaller garden tools in containers inside your storage unit – allowing easier access when you need it most. This is also a good place to keep unused pots, soil, and fertilizer for plants.

Hoses, Rope and Extension Chords

Once again, take advantage of vertical space to store these items. Use larger hooks attached to the walls or ceilings of your unit to house these items, rolled up into a coil.

Lawn Mower, Tiller, Weed Eater, Edger and More

Park your machine equipment in the shed so that the first thing you use can be removed first. Have equipment such as a tiller or aerator? Those aren’t tools you use very often, so park them in the back. Keep your lawn mower, edger and weed eater closer to the door for easy access. You can also store your weed eater on the wall – using more vertical space and less floor space in your shed.

Now that your equipment is organized, you’re ready to keep your lawn and garden looking great for the rest of the summer.

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